Instructions for Garmin (Unlocking) | TrakMaps


  1. Download your unlock file(s)
  2. Open Garmin BaseCamp
  3. Click on Maps from the top menubar
  4. Click on Manage Map Products...
  5. Go to Unlock Regions
  6. Go to Import
  7. Click on the Unlock Code Files (*.ucx) button in the bottom-right of the window
  8. Choose the unlock file from your Downloads folder
  9. Click on Open
  10. If you downloaded more than one unlock file, repeat steps 5 through 9 above for each unlock file
  11. Close and reopen Garmin BaseCamp
  12. Your product is now unlocked
How to choose an unlock file
  1. Download your unlock file(s)
  2. Open Garmin MapManager
  3. Click on File
  4. Choose on Import Unlock Code...
  5. Choose an unlock file from your Downloads folder
  6. Click on Install
  7. If you downloaded more than one unlock code, repeat steps 3 through 6 above for each unlock file
  8. Close and reopen Garmin BaseCamp
  9. Your product is now unlocked