Whether it's boating, fishing or ice fishing, Marine Ontario for Garmin GPS provides you with the most up-to-date depths and information of your lakes, waterways and rivers in Ontario.
Navigate safely on the water with depths, contours, points of interest and much more!
Last Update: 2025-01-19 View Changelog
Scale: Varied
Size of Product: 280 MB+
Sources: Canadian Hydrographic Service, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, TrakMaps
Missing Your Body of Water?
Body of Water | Region |
Body of Water | Region |
Abamategwia | ON |
Abitibi - Garmin only/seulement | QC/ON |
Abram | ON |
Agimak | ON |
Ahmic | ON |
Alexandra | ON |
Anima Nipissing (River) | ON |
Anishinabi | ON |
Aylen | ON |
Balsam | ON |
Baptiste | ON |
Bay of Quinte | ON |
Bennett | ON |
Berens | ON |
Big Gull | ON |
Big Rideau | ON |
Big Rideau | ON |
Big Vermillion | ON |
Black | ON |
Black Donald | ON |
Black Sturgeon | ON |
Bobs | ON |
Borden | ON |
Boshkung | ON |
Buckhorn | ON |
Burrows | ON |
Cain | ON |
Calabogie | ON |
Cameron | ON |
Cayuga-Seneca (Canal) | NY |
Cecil | ON |
Cedar | ON |
Chandos | ON |
Charleston | ON |
Chemong | ON |
Christie | ON |
Clear | ON |
Clearwater | ON |
Cobble | ON |
Coli | ON |
Confusion | ON |
Couchiching | ON |
Cranberry | ON |
Crow | ON |
Daniels | ON |
des Mille | ON |
des Outaouais (Rivière; Chats Falls - Britannia Bay; Ottawa - Carillon) | ON |
Dog | ON |
Eagle | ON |
Eagle | ON |
Eagle (Frontenac Region) | ON |
Edward | ON |
Elephant | ON |
Erie (Canal) | NY |
Esnagami | ON |
Eva | ON |
Fairy | ON |
Finlayson | ON |
Fushimi | ON |
Georgian Bay | ON |
Gloucester Pool (Port Severn - Big Chute) | ON |
Golden | ON |
Greenwater | ON |
Gull | ON |
Gull | ON |
Gull Rock | ON |
Haliburton | ON |
Hall (River) | ON |
Healey | ON |
Holland (River) | ON |
Hudson (River; Champlain Canal - NYC, NY) | NY |
Huron | ON |
Indian | ON |
Indian (Eastern Region) | ON |
Ivanhoe | ON |
Jack | ON |
Joseph | ON |
Kabinakagami | ON |
Kagawong | ON |
Kahshe | ON |
Kamaniskeg | ON |
Kapikog | ON |
Kashagawigamog | ON |
Kawagama | ON |
Keg | ON |
Kennisis | ON |
Kenogamisis | ON |
Kimball | ON |
Kirkness | ON |
Kukukus | ON |
Lac des Mille Lacs | ON |
Lac Seul | ON |
Lady Evelyn | ON |
Little Abitibi | ON |
Little Butler | ON |
Little French (River) | ON |
Lower Black Sturgeon | ON |
Lower Manitou | ON |
Lower Manitou | ON |
Lower Paudash | ON |
Lower Rideau | ON |
Lower Rideau | ON |
Mameigwess | ON |
Manitouwabing | ON |
Marmion | ON |
Mary | ON |
Mazinaw | ON |
Michigan | US |
Mindemoya | ON |
Minnitaki | ON |
Mississippi | ON |
Mitchell (Cambridge Lock - Balsam) | ON |
Muskoka | ON |
Newboro | ON |
Niagara (River) | ON |
Nipissing | ON |
North Channel | ON |
Northern Light | ON |
of Bays | ON |
of the Woods | ON |
Onaping | ON |
Opinicon | ON |
Otonabee (River) | ON |
Ottawa (River; Chats Falls - Britannia Bay; Ottawa to Carillon) | ON |
Otty | ON |
Paudash | ON |
Pelican | ON |
Peninsula | ON |
Pigeon | ON |
Pike | ON |
Red | ON |
Redstone | ON |
Rice | ON |
Rideau (Canal) | ON |
Rideau (River) | ON |
Rosseau | ON |
Round | ON |
Sand | ON |
Scugog | ON |
Scugog (River) | ON |
Severn (River; Big Chute - Couchiching) | ON |
Sharbot | ON |
Shebandowan | ON |
Simcoe | ON |
Six Mile | ON |
Skeleton | ON |
Sparrow | ON |
St. Clair | ON |
St. Clair (River) | ON |
St. Lawrence (River; Kingston – St. Lawrence Gulf)) | ON |
Stoco | ON |
Stony | ON |
Sturgeon | ON |
Superior | ON |
Tay (Canal) | ON |
Tea | ON |
Temagami | ON |
Three Mile | ON |
Trent (River; Rice Lake - Trenton) | ON |
Trent-Severn (Waterway) | ON |
Twelve Mile | ON |
Upper Manitou | ON |
Upper Rideau | ON |
Vernon | ON |
Wabigoon | ON |
Wawang | ON |
Wawang | ON |
White | ON |
White | ON |
White (Northwest Region) | ON |
Whitefish | ON |
Whitney | ON |
Wolfe | ON |
Wolsey | ON |
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